Separate performance/installation series
"Separate" is a technology enhanced performance project created to take place in the streets and parks in New York City.
"Separate" comprises two similar performers, clad in white jumpsuits, each starting at one of two city parks. Each has a video projector slung around his neck, projecting an animated b/w video onto the path ahead of him, as he walks. They each pull a weighted milk crate, behind them, on a rope. The contents of the crate are unknown, inside a black garbage bag. The animations show a homeless character walking and crawling on the streets of New York. The performers make slow progress, pulling their burdens, constantly with their eyes on the projection just ahead of their feet. They pass each other en route, without acknowledgement, and continue on to the park that the other had left.
They settle down for the night on a bed of newspapers, with projections dancing on and around them. The performance ends when the light of a new day bleaches out the projections.
SEPARATE is a multimedia artwork that addresses issues of homelessness, disenfranchisement and isolation. It raises concern about the burden of trying to exist in an increasingly technological society, where identity is reliant on participation.
"Separate" is a performance series that mixes technology with live action performance. The struggle of the performers, as they follow their predestined paths, is enhanced by the animated imagery projected onto the ground ahead of them. Images of individual struggle are projected into this live scene of a man pulling a weight. With the metaphorical weight of the world in tow, each performer makes slow progress in solitude, not noticing another in a similar struggle. Upon reaching his destination, he rests, ironically in the same spot recently vacated by the man he just passed, who, in turn, currently inhabits the spot the first just left. It implies a continuum of changing locations, a migration from one point to another in an endless struggle to take rest from the burdens of the world and of the individual.
The projections continue through the night, saturating each performer until dissipated by the advent of a new day. While this might represent a new beginning, we also must recognize the inevitable approach of another night. The use of the newspapers as protection from the ground and wind, indicate the character's complete absorption in, and link to, the world outside of his isolation. The movements of forces beyond his control which invisibly affect his life, represented by the newspapers, become a source of comfort, though provide scant protection against the local troubles of his existence.
Click buttons below to view each of the 4 performances

© Gearóid Dolan, 2004. All rights reserved