Separate performance/installation
@ DUMBO Arts Festival 2005
"Separate" is a performance series that mixes technology with live action performance. The struggle of the performer, as he wanders in a confined space, is enhanced by the animated imagery projected onto the ground ahead of him. Images of individual struggle are projected into this live scene of a man pulling a weight. With the metaphorical weight of the world in tow, the performer makes slow progress in solitude.
" Separate" provides a metaphor for the struggles of mankind against the world of its creation. To be human is to struggle with the human condition, but it is also to struggle to exist physically within the constructs of mankind... even the most far removed tribal communities are effected by, and interconnected with, world affairs, the internet, cell phones and other technological achievements. The trials of nature have all but been replaced by human constructs, especially in the Western world, so the struggle for survival becomes a struggle to fit in to society and to function as befits a productive member of the community. While we all experience a degree of personal isolation, those outside of society suffer an isolation uniquely extreme; the struggle to survive within the system is doubled by the rejection inherent in that system; personal isolation is compounded by physical, technological and financial isolation.
Like a modern Sisyphus, or Beckett's iconic walkers, the performer is locked into a pattern of endlessly moving a weight, a burden, while surrounded by reminders of his status and the workings of the machine that provides his burden.

© Gearóid Dolan, 2004. All rights reserved